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Those new animations are pretty sweet!

RPGs are tough to make. It’s a logic problem with lots of visuals to attach to it. My suggestion is to isolate the development into the logic and visuals, then find a way to bind them later. Going from a text based RPG to a 2d turn based rpg is better than going right to the 2d rpg. There’s too much to solve and it can be overwhelming, I’ve suffered from the same problem.

Revisit this concept later! RPGs are a versatile genre and is worth exploring

I like how you were able to add in the animations and attack logic.  For some improvement, I will explore more into particle effects and sound effects improve player feedback.  There are also UI images that are included in the package to make the UI buttons/text more attractive, like the ones seen in Justin's fish game.  Otherwise, I can see improvement from week to week!